List of current grantsList of expired grants
2023-2029 CEPRE — Center for Pregnancy and Reproductive Health
Speaker: Udo Markert
600 000 €
2021-2026 DFG NFDI4Microbiota — National research Data Infrastructure for Microbiota
Speaker: Konrad Förstner
1 092 016 €
2021–2025 Viral diversity, viral de novo assembly, and viral decay in groundwater
CRC 1076 — AquaDiva
Speaker: Kirsten Küsel
one doctoral student (48 months E13/75%)
384 000 €
2021-2024 Pathogen spillover among incest pollinator sepcies: quantifying evolutionary processes to inform on viral adaptive potential
DFG Forschungszentrum 118 — iDiv / Flexpool
74 000 €
2021-2023 thur.AI — Pilotphase im Thüringer Zentrum für lernende Systeme und Robotik 368 200 €
since 2020 DFG FOR 5151 — QualiPerf
Quantifying Liver Perfusion-Function Relationship in Complex Resection – A Systems Medicine Approach
Speaker: Uta Dahmen
402 600 €
Understanding (harmful) virus-host interactions by linking virology and bioinformatics.
Coordinator: Manja Marz
one doctoral student (36 months), one Network Manager
4 000 000 €*
since 2020 HORIZON 2020 RESETageing
Speaker: Lino Ferreira
associated member
2020-2024 Digitalisierung der Lebenswissenschaften: Wege in die Zukunft
Landesprogramm „ProDigital“ des Freistaats Thüringen
Speaker: Manja Marz
involvement in five different projects
one doctoral student (60 months E13/75%), one PostDoc (60 months E13/100%)
1 350 000 €*
2019-2025 DFG Excellence Cluster Balance of the Microverse
Speaker: Axel Brakhage
410 000 €
since 2015 Member of DFG Forschungszentrum 118 — iDiv – German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research
2019-2022 Datengetriebene Virusdiagnostik auf multiplen Ebenen II (Anwendung) Carl Zeiss Stiftung: Eine virtuelle Werkstatt für die Digitalisierung in den Wissenschaften
one doctoral student (36 months)
145 000 €
2019-2022 A comprehensive analysis of microorganisms and viruses from ancient samples using minion sequencing techniques
International Max Planck Research School for the Science of Human History
one doctoral student (36 months)
90 000€
2019-2021 Development of metagenomics assisted surveillance tools for tracking antibiotic resistance in river bodies — A study in the Ganges river valley (NANOLOG)
BMBF – DBT Cooperative Science Program
one doctoral student (24 months E13/25%), one doctoral student (12 months E13/50%)
150 000€
2017–2021 Viral diversity, viral de novo assembly, and viral decay in groundwater
CRC 1076 — AquaDiva
Speaker: Kirsten Küsel
one doctoral student (48 months E13/75%)
242 000 €
2017–2019 The role of human microbiota for the development of fungal infectious diseases – Candida albicans as a case study
DFG SFB/TR124 Pathogenic fungi and their human host
Speaker: Axel Brakhage
one doctoral student (48 months E13/65%)
139 500 €
2017–2019 All-in-one Multiplex-Sequencing
DFG Forschungszentrum 118 — iDiv
two PostDocs (2×24 months)
128 000 €
2016–2019 Embryonale nicht-kodierende RNAs in der menschlichen Plazenta und dem mütterlichen Blutkreislauf
DFG Sachmittelantrag MA 5082/9-1
one doctoral student (36 months E13/100%)
269 500 €
2016–2019 Ecology and Species Barriers in Emerging Viral Diseases
DFG SPP 1596
Speaker: Christian Drosten
one doctoral student (36 months E13/75%), one PostDoc (36 months E13/50%)
375 750 €
2016–2019 Molekulare Serologie zur schnellen Bestimmung der Impftiter gegen impf-präventable Infektionskrankheiten (STIKO-Liste) bei Migranten und anderen Patientengruppen
Zwanzig20 – InfectControl 2020
Subproject: STIKO-Serologie
one PostDocs (1×24 months) and one doctoral student (1×12 months)
317 662 €
2018 VEME: International Bioinformatics Workshop on Virus Evolution and Molecular Epidemiology
DFG MA5082/13-1
24 400 €
2016–2018 Exploration of Non-coding RNAs Involved in X-linked Dystonia-Parkinsonism through High-Throughput Sequencing (RNA-Seq)
one doctoral student (24 months E13/75%)
co-PI with Christine Klein and Aloysius Domingo
121 400 €
2015–2018 ZAJ — RegenerAging — Analyzing the regulation of aging
one doctoral student (36 months E13/50%)
90 000 €
2013–2017 Pathogenic fungi and their human host: Networks of interaction
DFG SFB/Transregio 124 — FungiNet
one doctoral student (36 months E13/65%)
139 500 €
2013–2017 Elucidation of microbial nutrient cycling using key functional genes and proteins (BIODIV4)
CRC 1076 — AquaDiva
one shared doctoral student (36 months E13/50%)
associated member
2014–2016 Lücken im Kraftwerk der Zukunft – Kombinierte Metabolom- und Transkriptomanalyse des Hell/Dunkel-Zyklus bei Cyanobakterien
one doctoral student (24 months E13/50%), one PostDoc (24 months E13/100%)
200 000 €
2013–2016 Ecology and Species Barriers in Emerging Viral Diseases
DFG – SPP 1596
one doctoral student (24 months E13/50%)
associated member
57 596 €
2011–2016 Automated Genomewide Annotation of Non-coding RNAs
DFG – Sachmittelantrag MA-5082/1
two doctoral students (36 months E13/50%)
220 000 €
2011–2015 International Research Training Group – Enzymes and multienzme complexes acting on nucleic acids
DFG – Graduiertenkolleg GRK-1384
one doctoral student (54 months E13/50%)
208 440 €
2010–2013 Sensory and regulatory RNAs in Prokaryotes
DFG – SPP 1258
associated member

* total funding amount