List of current grantsList of expired grants
2023-2029 | CEPRE — Center for Pregnancy and Reproductive Health Speaker: Udo Markert |
600 000 € |
2021-2026 | DFG NFDI4Microbiota — National research Data Infrastructure for Microbiota Speaker: Konrad Förstner |
1 092 016 € |
2021–2025 | Viral diversity, viral de novo assembly, and viral decay in groundwater CRC 1076 — AquaDiva Speaker: Kirsten Küsel one doctoral student (48 months E13/75%) |
384 000 € |
2021-2024 | Pathogen spillover among incest pollinator sepcies: quantifying evolutionary processes to inform on viral adaptive potential DFG Forschungszentrum 118 — iDiv / Flexpool |
74 000 € |
2021-2023 | thur.AI — Pilotphase im Thüringer Zentrum für lernende Systeme und Robotik | 368 200 € |
since 2020 | DFG FOR 5151 — QualiPerf Quantifying Liver Perfusion-Function Relationship in Complex Resection – A Systems Medicine Approach Speaker: Uta Dahmen |
402 600 € |
2020-2025 | HORIZON 2020 MSCA ITN — VIROINF Understanding (harmful) virus-host interactions by linking virology and bioinformatics. Coordinator: Manja Marz one doctoral student (36 months), one Network Manager |
4 000 000 €* |
since 2020 | HORIZON 2020 RESETageing Speaker: Lino Ferreira associated member |
2020-2024 | Digitalisierung der Lebenswissenschaften: Wege in die Zukunft Landesprogramm „ProDigital“ des Freistaats Thüringen Speaker: Manja Marz involvement in five different projects one doctoral student (60 months E13/75%), one PostDoc (60 months E13/100%) |
1 350 000 €* |
2019-2025 | DFG Excellence Cluster Balance of the Microverse Speaker: Axel Brakhage |
410 000 € |
since 2015 | Member of DFG Forschungszentrum 118 — iDiv – German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research |
2019-2022 | Datengetriebene Virusdiagnostik auf multiplen Ebenen II (Anwendung)
Carl Zeiss Stiftung: Eine virtuelle Werkstatt für die Digitalisierung in den Wissenschaften one doctoral student (36 months) |
145 000 € |
2019-2022 | A comprehensive analysis of microorganisms and viruses from ancient samples using minion sequencing techniques International Max Planck Research School for the Science of Human History one doctoral student (36 months) |
90 000€ |
2019-2021 | Development of metagenomics assisted surveillance tools for tracking antibiotic resistance in river bodies — A study in the Ganges river valley (NANOLOG) BMBF – DBT Cooperative Science Program one doctoral student (24 months E13/25%), one doctoral student (12 months E13/50%) |
150 000€ |
2017–2021 | Viral diversity, viral de novo assembly, and viral decay in groundwater CRC 1076 — AquaDiva Speaker: Kirsten Küsel one doctoral student (48 months E13/75%) |
242 000 € |
2017–2019 | The role of human microbiota for the development of fungal infectious diseases – Candida albicans as a case study DFG SFB/TR124 Pathogenic fungi and their human host Speaker: Axel Brakhage one doctoral student (48 months E13/65%) |
139 500 € |
2017–2019 | All-in-one Multiplex-Sequencing DFG Forschungszentrum 118 — iDiv two PostDocs (2×24 months) |
128 000 € |
2016–2019 | Embryonale nicht-kodierende RNAs in der menschlichen Plazenta und dem mütterlichen Blutkreislauf DFG Sachmittelantrag MA 5082/9-1 one doctoral student (36 months E13/100%) |
269 500 € |
2016–2019 | Ecology and Species Barriers in Emerging Viral Diseases DFG SPP 1596 Speaker: Christian Drosten one doctoral student (36 months E13/75%), one PostDoc (36 months E13/50%) |
375 750 € |
2016–2019 | Molekulare Serologie zur schnellen Bestimmung der Impftiter gegen impf-präventable Infektionskrankheiten (STIKO-Liste) bei Migranten und anderen Patientengruppen Zwanzig20 – InfectControl 2020 Subproject: STIKO-Serologie one PostDocs (1×24 months) and one doctoral student (1×12 months) |
317 662 € |
2018 | VEME: International Bioinformatics Workshop on Virus Evolution and Molecular Epidemiology DFG MA5082/13-1 |
24 400 € |
2016–2018 | Exploration of Non-coding RNAs Involved in X-linked Dystonia-Parkinsonism through High-Throughput Sequencing (RNA-Seq) MGH — CCXDP one doctoral student (24 months E13/75%) co-PI with Christine Klein and Aloysius Domingo |
121 400 € |
2015–2018 | ZAJ — RegenerAging — Analyzing the regulation of aging one doctoral student (36 months E13/50%) |
90 000 € |
2013–2017 | Pathogenic fungi and their human host: Networks of interaction DFG SFB/Transregio 124 — FungiNet one doctoral student (36 months E13/65%) |
139 500 € |
2013–2017 | Elucidation of microbial nutrient cycling using key functional genes and proteins (BIODIV4) CRC 1076 — AquaDiva one shared doctoral student (36 months E13/50%) associated member |
2014–2016 | Lücken im Kraftwerk der Zukunft – Kombinierte Metabolom- und Transkriptomanalyse des Hell/Dunkel-Zyklus bei Cyanobakterien Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung one doctoral student (24 months E13/50%), one PostDoc (24 months E13/100%) |
200 000 € |
2013–2016 | Ecology and Species Barriers in Emerging Viral Diseases DFG – SPP 1596 one doctoral student (24 months E13/50%) associated member |
57 596 € |
2011–2016 | Automated Genomewide Annotation of Non-coding RNAs DFG – Sachmittelantrag MA-5082/1 two doctoral students (36 months E13/50%) |
220 000 € |
2011–2015 | International Research Training Group – Enzymes and multienzme complexes acting on nucleic acids DFG – Graduiertenkolleg GRK-1384 one doctoral student (54 months E13/50%) |
208 440 € |
2010–2013 | Sensory and regulatory RNAs in Prokaryotes DFG – SPP 1258 associated member |
* total funding amount