Our group, together with the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi and the European Virus Bioinformatics Center is organising a hands-on workshop on Nanopore sequencing.
The workshop is part of the BMBF – DBT Cooperative Science Program: Development of metagenomics assisted surveillance tools for tracking antibiotic resistance in river bodies — A study in the Ganges river valley (NANOLOG). The focus of the study is to investigate samples from river Ganges in India to infer the effect of human interference and to discern naturally occurring resistance from resistance created by humans.
The workshop will provide a platform for technology transfer and direct interaction with researchers in India. During the workshop, water and sediment samples collected before (pristine site) and after Uttarkashi will be analyzed using Nanopore sequencing to assess the effect of human settlement on the quality of water in terms of bacterial load.
Come and join us in Delhi to learn about Nanopore sequencing and data analysis from our experts Martin and Sebastian (data), Akash and Celia (lab).